Thursday, December 21, 2006

Some security wisdom

Check this site for a good discussion on bypassing traffic. The one i really liked was by Shadow Merchant . Here it goes,

"have an SSH tunnel set up with the -D 1080 option and it is working great. It goes to my cable router at home on port 443, since port 22 outbound is blocked by the IS killjoys in my company. On the LAN side, my router forwards the connection to my OS X machine on port 22. I set SOCKS proxy to, port 1080. Then connect to to confirm I am now surfing from home over a secure tunnel.

Slick as a whistle. The only place I have not been able to get it working is on some heavily locked down public access machines that have no SSH client and also have the proxy settings baked in without being modifiable by the user."



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